Monday, November 06, 2006

Softly White

I love painting daisies. Their stems are so graceful with their heads seemingly reaching out to the sunlight.

Amongst the Tussock - Arrowsmith Range

A Sunday afternoon picnic up in the high country inspired this painting, where the Arrowsmith range made the most splendid backdrop for the Angus herd meandering through the tussock.

Acrylic 30 x 40 inch

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

"Dairy on the Prairie"

Awarded "Best Local Artist 2006 - Minerals to Arts Exhibition".

We came across this mixed herd of cattle on a very hot Mid-Canterbury afternoon, some of which had taken refuge under this lovely tree. I was fascinated by how the light dappled across their coats and how the backlighting filtered through the trees.


Saturday, February 04, 2006

White Poppies

I love painting poppies - they are nature's answer to ballet dancers. This painting is currently on view at the Jones Herlihy Fine Arts Gallery, Christchurch.

Shadow Lands

This piece was painted in situ - in a valley behind the Four Peaks Range, South Canterbury. I was particularly interested in capturing the cloud shadows as they danced across the foothills. View at ChocolArt Gallery, Ashburton.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Early morning stroll

This was a "must paint" moment when I happened upon a herd of cattle strolling down a road in the shadow of Mount Hutt, Mid Canterbury.
